June 2011 Issue
Summer is finally here, so get ready to make a splash at the Jersey Shore with a season filled with adventure, relaxation and plenty of sugary confections. We scoped out the best of the beach to bring you a family-friendly Shore guide well stocked with...
They’re our educators, role models and friends. Not only are they responsible for teaching us math, English and science, but they are preparing us for the road ahead.
Educators call summer “the big eraser” for a reason: kids forget a lot of what they learned in school. Here’s how to take a stand against learning loss.
While adopting a furry new friend can be an impulsive decision, helping a rescued dog or cat adjust to life at your home demands planning, care and commitment. Here’s how to do it right.
St. Charles Borromeo fifth-grade student Jenni Ryan and her sister, first-grade student Kara, recently cut their hair to donate it to the Locks of Love program, a nonprofit organization that works to provide wigs to children suffering from medical hair...
Eastern Regional High School sophomores Katie Schmus (bottom left) and Randi Stecki (bottom right) led fellow students of all ages in a Dance For AIDS, a Saturday dance workshop to raise awareness and money for HIV- and AIDS-related causes. The girls...
The Shawnee and Lenape High School softball teams joined together in the first-annual “Strike Out Breast Cancer” softball game. The girls participated in fighting for a cure at their individual schools by selling t-shirts, holding a lemonade stand,...
Cherokee High School senior Mike Zeuli (pictured), the two-year football team captain who lead his team to consecutive State Championships, will be heading to Princeton University to play football this fall. He has played as a starter for the past three...
Led by head coach George Hanna, the Carusi Middle School Lady Mustangs softball team won the South Jersey Middle School Softball League Championship. The Cherry Hill team finished the season with an 11-1 record. The softball team has won or shared the...
Washington Township High School Renaissance Club students (pictured), along with Kohl’s store associates, teamed up to beautify the school’s grounds.
“It may not be possible to entirely eliminate sibling rivalry, as some competition and struggle between siblings is common during childhood. However, there are a number of steps parents can take to decrease rivalry between their children
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