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December 2016 Issue
Work Your Workout
Getting back into the gym can seem daunting if you don’t know where to start, but it’s a lot easier than you think. Check out our easy-to-follow fitness guide with tips, tools and tech from leading experts.
Ringing in 2017
I’m the type of person who always makes a New Year’s Resolution
On Your Mark
The race dates to mark on your calendar in 2017
Health-Conscious Eating
With extra busy schedules this time of year, we all have moments where it might seem impossible to fit in the time to maintain our wellness plan for the new year, but it can be easier than you think.
Wellness Myths Debunked
Uncovering the facts and fitness behind wellness and dieting
Focusing on Financial Health
How to plan ahead for whatever may come in your financial future
Keeping it Simple
TenBrook Orthodontics keeps the orthodontic process as short and painless as possible.
Making Sense of Your Money
SHM Financial’s book is designed to help people in this confusing time.
A New Start for a New Year
Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP’s family law practice provides South Jersey families with the assistance they need all year long.
Ask the Expert: Math Accelerator
Kit Wong, author, engineer and founder of Math Accelerator knows how to engage students in ways they have never experienced to help them master math and actually enjoy learning.