September 2011 Issue
These four area moms, each juggling children and commitments or careers, hardly knew one another before they were brought together by a single common trait: compassion. When Machulsky noticed another Mount Laurel mother, JoAnne Stratton, struggling...
Whether they’re staying home with the kids or logging long hours
at the office, South Jersey moms share one thing: a gnawing sense of guilt that they’re not doing enough. Has the rocky job market made our community more accepting of parents on the...
The Moorestown Rowing Club’s Boys Light Weight 4 (pictured) took third place in the C Finals at the 2011 U.S. Rowing’s Youth National Championships on Lake Melton in Oak Ridge, Tenn
Grace Streicher (pictured), a senior at Cherokee High School and a star volleyball player, accepted a full athletic scholarship to Canisius College, where she will play on the Division 1 school’s volleyball team.
These middle school students (pictured) worked with the Center for Family Services, holding a workshop and collection drive, in an effort to bring awareness to the resources the center provides as well as the need for vital supplies like toiletries....
Chestnut Ridge Middle School Assistant Principal Sheryl Lean (pictured) welcomed Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Sebrena Flagg-Briggs as the school kicked off “Operation Inspire and Motivate”
The massive Dinosaurium exhibit, a year in the making, makes its grand debut at the Garden State Discovery Museum this month.
From our New Homeowner’s Resource Guide, here are 10 ways to make the interior of house feel more like home.
A man's best friend doesn't have to be a carpet's worst nightmare! Our trained technicians and powerful equipment will clean your carpet for maximum removal of soil and contaminants. Your carpet will be beautiful and you will breathe easier. Let us...
More than Just Marble: A bit of international luxury with All Marble, Granite & Tile.
Divine Design: Elite Landscaping will help you welcome autumn with a beautiful exterior.
October is Fire Prevention Month. Protect your home from disaster with help from COIT of South Jersey
A Fresh Start: For power washing and home restoration, Jersey Pro Wash offers unmatched expertise.
Suburban Family Magazine comes out once a month, but is updated daily. Mondays, we cover South Jersey high schools’ top students. Tuesdays, we bring you family-friendly events. Wednesdays and Fridays, we spotlight athletes and...