What color tie will Mr. Gianfortune wear?
Paul VI is excited to welcome new principal Mr. Philip Gianfortune. Following the retirement of principal and Paul VI icon Sr. Marianne McCann, Mr. Gianfortune joins the Eagles to continue the school’s tradition of strong, innovative leadership. Plus, as the school’s first lay (non-religious) person to serve as principal, we can’t help but wonder—will we be seeing some super-cool neckties?
Who will win a championship on the new field? And what’s the score?
Last year, Paul VI put in a new gym floor and the girls’ volleyball team won the non-public A state title. This year, there’s a new surface on the artificial turf field, along with a new scoreboard, all of which begs the question, “What’s in store for the football team?” Having graduated just eight seniors, the Eagles will take their improved field with a 7 and 3 record, and somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 new players. Is there really a connection between a playing surface and player success? We say yes!
Exactly how smart are those PVI jazz band musicians?
We always knew it, but now it’s official—the jazz band students are pretty smart. The school’s most advanced instrumental group got an academic “bump-up” this year, so the credits they earn will help those GPAs hit the high notes! And with the Paul VI Music Scholarship program (see PVIHS.org/Admissions/Scholarship) entering its second year, Paul VI can look forward to a continued influx of smart, talented musicians.
Is “fobbed” a word?
Maybe not, but it’s a useful term when you’re talking about the school security system. Paul VI will complete its third and final phase of security upgrades by converting the last of the interior doors from mechanical locks to keyless access. Entry and exit throughout the building are now “fobbed” and every bit as state-of-the-art as the rest of the Paul VI campus. Good news for safety-meets-techie.
How do you know you’re an upperclassman?
When you get to take the really outstanding electives, of course. This year, the social studies department leads the way with a significant pairing of elective courses, reserved for juniors and seniors. The Cultural Diversity in American History course gained a semester partner with the Holocaust Education course, creating a combination that makes you remember why you like learning so much.
What’s “green” at the Blue and White this year?
Paul VI has a solid record of using technology to reduce the school’s carbon footprint, and the 2022-23 school year adds another gold star to the report card. All hallway lighting has been upgraded from fluorescent tubes to LED fixtures—a bright spot in every way.
Paul VI
(856) 858-4900
Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family Magazine, Volume 13, Issue 3.
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