Best morning time saver: The walk-through temperature scanners. Always a school that embraces technology, Paul VI once again gets ahead of the curve, and the morning rush! Students enter the school building through two temperature-taking portals that each admit 70 people a minute into the building, ensuring a school full of healthy, fever-free Eagles who are on time for class.
Best “Eagles-Electronics” Partnership: The Paul VI Robotics class. A side-course to the Project Lead the Way computer science curriculum, the full-year robotics course resides in its own specialized lab. Students are working on this year’s First-Tech challenge—to retrieve a doughnut-shaped disc, and deliver it, airborne, to multi-tiered goal. Could in-school snack delivery be in the Eagles’ future?
Best Comeback: Paul VI football. The previously embattled team faced the overall most daunting conditions in recent memory and used them to turn their program around. Coach Dennis Scuderi patiently worked through numerous challenges to convert 2019’s 1-8 season to this fall’s 5-2, achieving a level of success last seen in 2011. In Coach Scuderi’s own words “the future looks bright.”
Best New Award: The Golden Eagle. Debuting for the 2021 seniors, the Golden Eagle award will acknowledge graduating student athletes who have participated in three school-sanctioned sports a year, for each of the four years of high school. In addition to fostering cooperation between Paul VI teams and preventing student athletes from injury related to overused joints and muscles, the new award will encourage resiliency in students whose athletic path shifts from the one they had originally planned.
Best Use of Virtual: Paul VI admissions. Determined to keep the “social” in social distancing, the admissions office has enthusiastically carried on the school’s tech-loving tradition. Accustomed to flinging open the doors and rolling out the red carpet to guests, the department has instead tapped into the warmth and talent of the Paul VI community to present families with immersive virtual experiences that are both informative and fun. Want to see for yourself? Use the QR codes!
Best New Tradition: The Friday Shout-out. Submitted by any–and many–members of the PVI family, the weekly “tally of appreciation” is broadcast at the end of each week by principal Sr. Marianne McCann. From staff (especially in the dining hall!) to administration to faculty to coaches and of course, to the Paul VI students, this exercise in gratitude shines a little extra light on the many “Best of Paul VI” moments that occur each and every day.
Paul VI High School
901 Hopkins Road, Suite B
(856) 858-4900 | PVIHS.org
Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 2 (May 2021).
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