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Stop Bribing and Start Developing your Puppy
The Champion Puppy Training System offers specialty training to give your puppy skills that will last a lifetime.

by Staff

In today’s world, most dogs aren’t viewed as a domesticated pet or property anymore. For most owners their dog is their “little precious angel nugget bundle of God’s love and cuteness,” as Jenna, Pat Quinn’s wife and co-owner of Champ’s Dog House would say. Co-owner Pat proudly says his life’s mission is to “teach owners how to develop their problematic puppies into Champions.” While Jenna runs the daycare, boarding and grooming operations at their multiple South Jersey facilities, Pat brings a structured, methodical, tried-and-true approach to puppy rearing for clients.  

 “I give the owners the tools that they need to develop life skills, manners and responsiveness from their dog,” he says. “That way, they can thrive both in their home and be set up to be fussed on while Jenna and the team take care of the Champions.”

Pat believes if you have a daily regimen for your puppy that builds up its foundation, you can then spoil a dog how both the clients, Jenna and Pat would like. “I’ve been spotted carrying a dog in a backpack or stroller. I’ve been known to hook a dog up with table scraps. To me the main thing is that a dog has been proven to have a base level of manners and life skills,” Pat says. “If you’re running a loose puppy-owning house- hold, you could be facing some irrevocable behavioral deficits or at the very least it is so much easier to develop good first habits than to look to replace old bad habits.  

 “I’ve been in thousands of new puppy owners’ households all over South Jersey. I have been afforded the duty and responsibility  of co-owning of the area’s premier social canine care facility,”  Pat adds. “We also groom more dogs than any other noncommercial  company in South Jersey. I want to let you in on something often overlooked: Training in and of itself won’t have you and your dog living your best lives together.”  

• When people come in, that’s good (but I naturally sit to be pet).
• Playing with my own species is fun.
• The little people are even more fun than the tall ones.
• I’d rather not be groomed or brought to the vet, but whatever.
• I am OK not getting what I want.
• I’d rather not be confined, but no worries.
• I spend hours a day chewing my bones (not bugging you or chewing the wrong things).
• I exert most my energy into playing tug and retrieving (versus looking for something to get into). 
• I can relax in a sit-stay in public.

So, how do you get Champion behavior from your puppy? In order to have a Champion dog, you need to become a Champion owner.  Here are your first three steps in the beginning of your Champion owner journey:

STEP 1: Shout, “if it’s to be it’s up to me!” You need to own and drive this process. Pat is full of knowledge, experience and has a ton of resources available in a methodical format—simply by pressing your fingers to your phone, but this is your puppy!

STEP 2: Get your puppy on a daily schedule. If you can win the day, you can win the dog. “From time to time I offer a free webinar on this. My patented, systematic approach gets potty training, chewing, play, development, rest, confinement all right on time, every  time. It puts your puppy’s drives to work for you versus against you,” Pat says.

STEP 3: Get more information on the run. As a puppy owner you are in a “temporary investment season.”  You need to quickly grow your skill set and approach. “Listen to my podcast while you are in the car, in the gym or doing things around the house. It is streamed on all major podcast platforms. Keep  coming back to the information  well and be a sponge ready to implement,” Pat says. “I will set you up to learn from your puppy and just as importantly have you become more aware of your counterproductive tendencies. I find in many areas owners are sabotaging their own results. Are you setting up the puppy for failure and operating in the frustration zone versus the system implementation zone?”  

Success doesn’t just happen. Neither do mannerly, responsive dogs with life skills.  

Increasingly, owners are seeing the window of time of bringing  their puppy home from the rescue or breeder as an investment  that goes above and be- yond simply “punching the puppy training timeclock” and just going through the motions. Are you a Champion owner? Pat will show you your puppy is a Champion.

Champ’s Dog House
163 Route 70, Medford | 77 E. Main St., Marlton
(609) 654-4170 |

Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 2 (April 2019).
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