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Fitness for All
December 2017

by Kaytlyn Mroz

Working off the weight
One of the big reasons people start working out—in addition to just becoming healthier overall—is to rid their bodies of extra fat. While losing weight is nowhere near easy, it doesn’t have to be as hard as you may think it is. Chad Hallett, owner of Adrenaline Sports Performance, gives us some tips on how to successfully shed pounds.

Find a fitness professional who you feel comfortable with to give you a proper assessment and recommendations based on that assessment that are parallel with your goals. Cardiovascular and resistance training are very important in helping reduce fat.

Figure out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is the amount of calories a person needs to keep their body functioning at rest. To lose weight, you will need to reduce your daily caloric requirement as determined by your BMR + activity level.

In a tech-savvy world, take advantage of applications at your fingertips. Our smartphones are equipped with programs like MyFitnessPal, Lose It! and others that will help you stay accountable to eating healthy and within your daily caloric intake.

Practicing Pilates
If you are just starting out on your fitness journey, or want to try something beyond joining a gym, Pilates might be a great starting point for you—or something to return to. Laurie Weiner PMA-CPT, ACE-CPT, owner of Pilates Plus Restoration Studio, gives us tips for a smooth Pilates transition whether you are just starting out or finding your way back.

Private sessions are a great place to begin with Pilates. The one-on-one teaching atmosphere can customize a specific program for your needs while also demonstrating modifications and easing the transition into a small group class.

If you are a Pilates guru—or at least have a good understanding of what you are doing— home workouts can be great for you. But remember to stop by a studio at least once a month for fine-tuning. It’s easy to become lazy in your workout and adopt practices that are not correct form. Going back to a trusted studio to evaluate what you are doing will hold you accountable at home.

At-home advantages
If you are intimidated by gyms/studios, or simply do not have time to go work out for lack of a babysitter or due to time constraints, there are simple in-home workouts you can do to stay active. In the yoga world, Amanda Salvadori, Cherry Hill studio manager at Core Power Yoga, says there are workouts yogis can follow in the morning and the evening right in the comfort of their own home.

Sun Salutations are simple and effective to practice at home. They are a great way to warm up your body and are a gentle way to get your heart rate up in the morning. Think: upward and downward dog, mountain pose, standing forward fold, warrior poses and others.

Yin/restorative poses are beneficial to incorporate at home before bed. These practices feature smaller sequences of poses that allow you to relax and rest (like the child’s pose or half pigeon). They help get you grounded and to slow down both your breathing and thoughts, creating a calm space for sleep.

If you have fear about going to a yoga studio, keep your mind open to it. It may seem intimidating but encourage yourself to take a step out of your comfort zone. There is a strong community aspect that comes with joining a studio—it might be just what you need.

Building Muscle
While working out definitely comes with its perks in the form of energy and overall mood boosts, building muscle is another huge benefit— one that people generally strive for. But there are ways your workouts could affect your ability to build muscle. Sam Balducci, owner of Giant Fitness, gives us his tips when it comes to building muscle and keeping it.

The No. 1 mistake people will make coming into the ‘exercise season’ will be elevated heart rates due to cardio workouts. If your heart rate goes too high out of the fat burning target rate, your body will take a defensive posture and will conserve your fat and burn up your muscle. Being educated on your target heart rate will keep you more aware of what is going on in your body and your workout.

By using free weights as a barometer, you will know your progress between workouts. For example, if you are curling a 60-pound barbell your first week for 10 reps and then the next week you are able to move up to the 65-pound bar for the same amount of reps, you have improved and are building up muscle mass.

If you are using selectorized strength machines, follow the instructions on the placard to keep your workout simple. Each machine shows how to utilize the machine with proper form and its muscle target areas. There’s only one way to use each machine properly.

“Just remember that physical health begins with acceptance. Remember to honor and celebrate where you are currently at with making the decision for change. It is only the beginning.”
- Amanda Salvadori

“I recommend that [people] set realistic goals. Many times people fail because they set unrealistic goals and then get discouraged when they are not seeing results fast enough.”
- Chad Hallett

Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 9 (November, 2017).


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