This time last year, I feared I was setting myself up to be a huge hypocrite. It was our first-ever Health & Wellness Guide, and I was touting the importance of putting your health first for once and using New Year’s as a chance to make a true lifestyle change.
I knew what my goals were: one, to completely cut fast food out of my diet, which shamefully would be hard considering I ate it more than once a week; and two, to finally lose the baby weight I had been carrying around (to which my husband would gently remind me that our daughter was born in 2008, so maybe I couldn't call it that anymore).
I considered sharing these with readers, but was afraid I’d cave after a few months. I did at least tell friends and family, which, if you turn to Page 42, you’ll read is a crucial step in staying true to your resolutions. And I’m happy to report: It worked.
Not only have I succeeded on the diet front, but thanks to finally getting serious about fitness, I’m in the best shape of my life. I ran my first 5K in the spring, followed by a 10K in the fall, and now I’m eyeing up a 10-miler. This, coming from the girl who never ran the full mile in gym class. This, coming from the mom who used to let national parenting magazines do little more than make her feel inadequate. Filled with stories about how any mom can find time in her busy routine to work out, all I could think was, “Those aren’t your average moms.” But I can admit when I’m wrong. And if that self-doubt sounds familiar, then I hope our second annual Health & Wellness Guide can help you realize you might be wrong, too. Filled with realistic advice on anything from choosing the right fitness program to how simply doing crossword puzzles can help keep your mind sharp, this issue is packed with the push you may need to make a change.
Remember also that your resolution doesn’t have to revolve around fitness. Health and wellness encompasses so much more than that, which is why this year, I’m switching gears: There’s a huge collection of books on my shelves at home that I’ve amassed somehow without ever reading them. I’m going to change that.
To Good Health,
Colleen Patrice Clark
Executive Managing Editor
Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 10 December, 2013).
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