We know that being involved in sports can teach valuable lessons to kids. If you could name something it teaches them what would it be?
The demands of practices and games force athletes to become more organized and focused in season. They recognize time limitations and learn the valuable lesson of blocking out time to complete tasks.
Pat Murphy, Athletic Director,
Gloucester Catholic High School
(856) 456-4400
What general advice can you give incoming freshman about college life on campus?
First, go to class. That’s why you’re on campus. Next, try out everything that the school has to offer: clubs, events, sports, entertainment and workshops. It’s all been planned for you.
Megan Camp, Director of Student Activities
Neumann University
(610) 558-5616
Engage, engage, engage. Being a passive spectator won’t help you benefit from the college experience. A good rule of thumb is to join one organization with the goal of moving into a leadership position and a second organization where having fun is the goal.
Dennis Murphy, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Affairs
Neumann University
(610) 558-5616
What should parents or students know when seeking a tutor for extra help for SAT preparation?
For most students, thoughts and plans for higher education only begin as high school graduation nears. But as the competition to get into college grows more fierce with every year, it’s important for students to make plans sooner rather than later. If students want a competitive edge in today’s market, it’s critical to consider college placement exams such as the SAT well before your senior year of high school.
Anita Pettitt
Club Z Tutoring
(856) 60-TUTOR
How can student athletes help prevent injury?
The most common reason for injury is doing too much too soon, which can result in overuse injuries like shin splints, stress fractures, sprains and strains. To prevent this, a preseason program is recommended so your body is conditioned to handle the stress of the season. Pre-season training should include “strength, flexibility and core stability,” which helps build your muscles and maintain flexibility so that the impact placed on the body is handled better. Include cardio three days weekly and strengthening one to two days weekly.
Dr. Kathryn Gollotto, a non-operative sports medicine specialist at Reconstructive Orthopedics
(856) 256-0051
What advice would you give high school students and athletes as they head into this school year?
The key to being great at anything is dedication—especially for athletes. Being dedicated to constant improvement of skills and pursuing knowledge allows you to handle uncertainty and execute with greater confidence.
Rusty McCarty, Founder
(856) 833-9372
Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family’s High School Fall Sports Preview, July, 2012.
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