Terry Flannery
Terry Flannery (pictured) has raised more than $80,000 in autism-related grants for The Durand Academy in Mt. Laurel. Most recently, Flannery helped the academy to win $25,000 from the Ronald McDonald House Charities to provide communication devices and sensory room equipment for a Durand Group Home. Durand provides learning opportunities, primarily to South Jersey individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities in a safe environment, and offers support to their families. Flannery also helped secure $10,000 from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation to provide autism awareness training to first responders.
Robert Leibrand
Robert Leibrand is a twice-decorated World War II POW who recently completed more than 1,700 hours of service as a Samaritan Hospice volunteer. Leibrand primarily spends time with war veteran hospice patients, collecting and recording their life stories for StoryCorps in partnership with the Library of Congress.
LaShaunda Carter-Fenner
LaShaunda Carter-Fenner this month received Virtua’s 2010 President’s Super STAR award for superior service and dedication to her community. Carter-Fenner works in the Radiology Department at Virtua Marlton. In Camden, she formed and leads a 4-H club that recently organized a clothing and blanket drive for the homeless.
Deborah Klaszky
Mount Laurel
Deborah Klaszky is co-founder of South Jersey Women Making a Difference. Group members donate $10 at the start of each meeting and nominate a person, family, or group in need to receive the donations. Her organization recently raised money for POWCOR, a pancreatic cancer research fund.
Susanne Rainier
Susanne Rainier co-founded South Jersey Women Making a Difference with Klasky (see above). Rainier, a mental health service worker, noticed the increasing number of food banks seeking their organization’s support; she has expanded their organization’s mission from collecting only cash to include collecting non-perishable food items at the group’s monthly meetings
Elizabeth Maguire
Elizabeth Maguire, who recently turned five, asked that instead of gifts, her friends and family donate money to the Moorestown Library instead. She raised $150 for the library, which will use the money to buy new children’s books, including “Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes.” Chuck Blackman
Cherry Hill
Chuck Blackman was awarded the Daniel B. Toll Humanitarian Award in July for his service to the local Jewish community. Blackman has been instrumental to the expansion of Temple Beth Sholom, and the Katz JCC health and wellness facility. Blackman also volunteers for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Dan Fitzpatrick
Dan Fitzpatrick this summer has raised more than $10,000 to buy four driving simulators for the Lenape Regional High School District. He is doing so in honor of his son, Brian, who died in a single car accident last year. The devices simulate such driving conditions as wet, snowy or icy.
Gail Priest
Haddon Township
Gail Priest is featured in the film, “More Than This”. The film was produced and directed by Richard Wilson, owner of the Berlin, Camden County production company, Outreach Arts, Inc. The film, which explores steroid addiction in teen athletes, is the winner of the 2010 WorldFest - Houston International Film Festival Platinum Remi Award.
Bryan O’Donnell
Bryan O’Donnell started a cleat drive six years ago while a junior at Cherokee High School. The drive has grown steadily; this season, over 200 pairs of used cleats were collected for under-privileged athletes. O’Donnell now seeks a sponsorship from the NFL for the program.
Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Family, Volume 1, Issue 6 (August, 2010).
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